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A Look at Some Lances

Joe Veteri

We are very excited to share some images of some of the first products which will be offered by LegionsShop - an amazing pair of lance and shield sets from Stephan Delatour at Dtour Customs!

If you are subscribed to our mailing list, you saw a sneak peek at one of these sets the other day, but today we have even more to reveal! (Note: if you are not signed up for our mailing list, you are missing out on getting the news FIRST - sign up using the form at the bottom of the site).

The first set we will be offering is more of a standard jousting set. It comes with a fully painted and assembled lance that is made of 3D-printed parts and real wood! This set will come with a shield that is also fully painted by Stephan. You can see some images of this set above and below!

Next, we have the "evil" jousting set, which includes a large, more elaborate lance. Once again, this will come fully painted and assembled and it also includes the shield! Check out a photos of that below.

Both of these lance sets will be available for purchase around late Feb/early March and they will retail for around $40, which we think is a great value for these very large, fully painted add-ons for your Legions figures and horses!

Stay tuned for MORE great part reveals - and remember to sign up for that newsletter to get the latest details first!



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